over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jul 03, 2020 at 01:50:50 PM
Greetings Warcasters!
It's Warjack Wednesday, and time for a progress update!
Packing of starters is continuing forward at a furious pace and despite slowdowns on account of the pandemic, we're still on track to be shipping this month. As mentioned previously, we've made some adjustments to what will go out in the first shipment, in order to keep things on a timely schedule. The light warjack B variants and weapos will be sent in the second shipment. Also, the Wild Cards, Voitek Sudal, Jax Redblade and Baron Cassius Mooregrave will be hitching their ride in the second shipment as well.
The first shipments are expected to go out within the next couple of weeks and will continue throughout the rest of the month. After that, we'll roll right into producing everything in the second shipment and hope to put as little time between them as possible.
And don't forget to tune in next Tuesday to our 2020 Keynote live stream, 10am PST on, for a massive preview on the future of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika.
Until then, stay safe and well!
Matt Wilson
Chief Creative Officer
Privateer Press
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 07:43:11 AM
Greetings Warcasters,
It's Warjack Wednesday, coming to you a little later than normal, but with some good eye-candy to make up for the slight delay!
We received our shipment of our new Mini Box packaging last week and I just got some samples in hand. This was the first stretch goal of the Kickstarter campaign — a generic box that would replace the plastic blisters that our miniatures are normally packaged in, thus reducing literally thousands of one-use plastic clamshells per month. We'll be moving to this packaging style for our other product lines in the future with the ultimate goal of eliminating one-use plastic waste from our packaging, and making all packaging recyclable and biodegradable.
We're less than two weeks away from the annual Privateer Press keynote live stream scheduled for Tuesday, July 7th, at 10 am PST, on We'll have a major announcement and previews for the future of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika as part of the presentation, including more information on the Marcher Worlds Razorbat and the Iron Star Alliance Interceptor featured in the image below!
Until next week, be safe and well!
Matt Wilson
Chief Creative Officer
Privateer Press
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 10:34:04 AM
Greetings Warcasters!
It's Warjack Wednesday, and time for your weekly transmission from the other side of the void gate!
Progress marches forward on Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika and we have now entered the packing phase. Individual models are being placed into paper bags which will then be packed into the starters. By using small paper bags to contain and protect the models, we have eliminated almost all one-use plastic packaging from Warcaster, reducing non-biodegradable waste going to the landfills and ending up in our oceans. Only the polybag the dice are shipped in and the shrink wrap around the Cypher cards use plastic and in the future we'll be looking for ways around that as well.
As mentioned in our last update, we will be moving the Variant B light warjacks and weapons to the second shipping wave in order to get the starters into your hands sooner than later. The shipping waves will still go out close together, but we want you to be able to dive into the game as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, we have just announced the annual Privateer Press Keynote presentation, which will be live streamed Tuesday, July 7th, at 10 am PST, on This being the 20th Anniversary of Privateer Press, we've got a lot to put into the presentation, with many videos, announcements and a look forward at the year ahead for Privateer's games. Naturally, we'll have a lot to show off for the future of Warcaster, so we hope you'll join us! But until then, I'll leave you with this...
Matt Wilson
Chief Creative Officer
Privateer Press
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:30:59 PM
Greetings Warcasters,
It's Warjack Wednesday, your weekly dose of Warcaster-In-Progress. Today we've got something shiny to show you!
Late last week we received our test samples of the gold foiled stat cards. After experimenting with a variety of designs, we ultimately settled on something subtle that didn't obscure the lovely graphic design and detail of the cards. These Kickstarter exclusive cards have a classy matte finish that sets off the gold foil stamp across the top. The gold foil, you'll note, is in 'Warcaster Runes', so you'll have to wait until you have access to the rune font to be able to decipher it! But it's a love note to all the Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika backers and an eternal reminder that you were the reason this game was brought into existence.
On the production side, we received notice on Monday that our county had entered 'Phase 2' of the Washington state reopening plan, which allows us to return our factory to full operational capacity. This is good news, and we're excited to be able to increase our rate of progress. We're still on track to deliver our first shipment in July, despite the slowdown over the past three months. However, we are considering moving the Variant B warjacks to the second shipment because the high part count is very demanding on our production resources and we don't want that to hold up getting the starters into your hands. We'll know closer to the ship date if this will be necessary and will let you know ahead. In the event we must make this adjustment, it will not affect shipping fees. And thanks to being able to get the factory back up to speed, we'll be able to put as little time between the first and second shipments as possible.
Until next week, be safe and well!
Matt Wilson
Chief Creative Officer
Privateer Press
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jun 04, 2020 at 02:52:08 PM
Greetings Warcasters!
Welcome to Warjack Wednesday — your weekly update on the progress of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika.
Last week, I shared a new piece of artwork showing a skirmish between Iron Star Alliance and Aeternus Continuum forces. Some very perceptive individuals spotted some previously unseen combatants in the image, so this week, we thought we'd pull the veil back a little more on one of the future developments for Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika.
Below is the concept artwork for a new squad, the Marcher Worlds Ranger Infiltrators. The swift moving Ranger Infiltrators are a dedicated close range fighting squad. Primarily armed with razor sharp Fusion Axes that can cleave through multiple foes in a single activation, and Magnetic Charges. Once an Infiltrator places a Charge it can quickly reposition itself before the explosive detonates.
Meanwhile, work continues forward on all of the components of the Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika rewards. We'll be back next week with more news and developments to share. Until then, be safe and well.