
WARCASTER: Neo-Mechanika

Created by Privateer Press

The Supercharged Miniatures Wargame

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 12:58:31 AM

Greeting Warcasters!

We've had some exciting content updates recently that we wanted to share.

If you haven’t seen it already, the first part of Lead Designer Jason Soles’ deep dive into the Iron Star Alliance went out through our Insider news last week. In this highly-detailed exploration of the ISA, you’ll learn all about how they’re structured, how they approach conquest, and why they may just be humanity’s best hope for survival. Check it out here!

We also unveiled some new Alliance concept artwork in last week's Collision Course update, here.

And here's one more thing we don't want you to miss...

TinkerTurf Campaign Completing Soon!

As you know, we’re huge fans of everything our good friends at TinkerTurf make and use their terrain in our play testing and staff games. They’ve run a bang-up campaign this past month for their Sci-Fi Terrain: Release 2.1 — but it’s ending this Friday at 6pm PST!

If you haven’t jumped on the TinkerTurf project, check it out and make sure you look at the great stretch goals they’ve unlocked already!

Sci-Fi Terrain: Release 2.1

about 4 years ago – Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 03:44:46 AM

Greetings Warcasters!

It's Warjack Wednesday and we're pleased to announce the completion of the Digital Painting Guide & Model Gallery! Very likely, you've already seen the email invite from Backerkit letting you know it's available to download. If not, message us directly so we can make sure you get it!

Thank you for your patience while we finished up this last stretch goal of the Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika campaign. We wanted to put more content in than we had available a few months ago and we appreciate the extra time to bring it together.

As well, a big thank you to all of the photographs submitted by members of the Warcaster community! We love being able to feature so many fantastic pieces in this volume.

In other news, we have received confirmation that  our Wave 2 freight shipment to Asia finally arrived with our fulfillment partner and parcels are being sent out. It's been a terribly long wait and we thank you so much for your patience.

And with that, updates for this Kickstarter campaign are officially complete! But as always, if you need to reach us for anything, just message us directly through Kickstarter and we'll get right back to you.

Many thanks!

about 4 years ago – Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 10:29:17 PM

Greetings Warcasters,

The journey to Asia for the Wave 2 rewards has been quite an odyssey, fraught with Covid-related delays, holiday interruptions, and shipping congestion. We're pleased to report that this journey is nearing its end as we received word from our fulfillment partner this week that they expect to take delivery of the shipment within the next 12 days. After that, shipping of the individual parcels should go quickly and the long wait will come to an end.

Thank you for your patience during these unanticipated delays. We'll send out another update once we have confirmation that the rewards have shipped from our fulfillment partner.

over 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 05, 2020 at 02:46:12 AM

Greetings Warcasters!

We’re in the final 36 hours of the Warcaster: Collision Course campaign and we have unlocked some fantastic bonus rewards for backers!

If you’ve been waiting to check out Race Mode, join us for our live stream on Twitch tomorrow at 10am PST where we’ll be playing through the Cannonball Run scenario, featuring the Marcher Worlds Razorbat and the Empyrean Zenith vehicles.

In the meantime, check out Jordan Lamb’s walkthrough of how he painted the Razorbat, here!

And last, if you’re looking to connect with other Warcasters, we have a brand new official Warcaster community page on Facebook where we can discuss everything in the Hyperuranion!

Until next time, be safe and well!

over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 09:47:55 PM

Greetings Warcasters!

I know I said no more Warjack Wednesdays, but we keep finding things to share. Today we’ve got a quick fulfillment update and we have solved the mystery of the Engineer’s coffee cup!


As of this morning, our fulfillment partner in Liverpool reported that 95% of all rewards had shipped and that the remainder would be in the post by Thursday morning. Depending on where you are in the EU, your package may take longer to reach you than in other areas, but your rewards are now in the final leg of their journey.


Last week, as backers were receiving their rewards around the world, someone posted a picture of a Marcher Worlds Combat Engineer with a coffee cup. I saw a question posted in the comments of the Collision Course Kickstarter regarding the availability of this ‘variant Engineer’, and I answered that it must be a conversion as we had not made any such variant.

I was wrong.

As reports began to come in that backers had not received their variant Engineers with the coffee cup, we realized something was amiss. Some erroneous information had been released that backers who had pledged for two engineers were meant to receive this variant. This was actually false. The Coffee-Breaking Engineer was never part of the original Kickstarter, never written into any plans, and up until yesterday morning, I was still insisting that it didn’t exist.

Once again, I was wrong.

While it’s accurate that this mysterious Engineer variant was never part of the original Kickstarter, the reality is that the model does exist. It turns out that at some point, back in the early, hazy days of the pandemic, one of our java-loving mold-makers with a sense of humor to match his talent, produced a conversion of the model and it was put into a mold. (Allegations exist that I even authorized this, though no record of my consent has yet been produced.) Whatever the truth may be, the entire thing was forgotten as we moved forward with production and fulfillment of all the legitimate rewards.

Fast forward to now.

Somehow, despite best efforts, one of these converted arms with the coffee cup made its way into a bin of actual engineer arms, and found its way to one lucky backer who posted his good fortune online. And while we have all enjoyed seeing this particular engineer enjoying his morning cup-o-Joe, I now have egg on my face.

Who knew an innocent cup of coffee could create such a stir?

So, it turns out we’ve actually got the molds for this variant. And since there seems to be quite a clamor to get him, we’re going to make the variant model, as well as just the variant arms, available online next week. We’ll also include the model and bits in the pledge manager of the Collision Course Kickstarter in case you’re backing and want to add it to your rewards later.

Start your meme engines!

I expect this to be the beginning of a whole new raft of memes. And if the first one isn’t a Knives Out/Baby Yoda mashup, I shall be very disappointed. But for now at least, this case is closed.

Until next time, may your coffee mug never run dry…