
WARCASTER: Neo-Mechanika

Created by Privateer Press

The Supercharged Miniatures Wargame

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 5 years ago – Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 01:16:02 AM

Greeting Warcasters!

Like everyone around the world, we are battling the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis. But we wanted to take a moment to show you that Warcaster is well underway. Here are a few bins of the first Marcher Worlds Dusk Wolf warjack parts produced in the foundry!

And here is a shot of what they look like coming out of the mold, still hot!

We'll share more progress shots and information in the coming weeks as various aspects of the rewards develop, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, like many of you, we were crushed that we could not attend Adepticon this year, especially as we had big plans to be showing off our very first Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika miniature: a variant Marcher Worlds Coalition Weaver. But we're not keeping it under wraps — she's available now on the Privateer Press Online Store. We've seen some questions about whether or not she'll be available in the pledge manager as an Add-On and are happy to say that's no problem! For those wanting to consolidate their shipments, she'll ship with Wave 1. But for those who can't wait to get a jump on building their Marcher Worlds battle force, this Weaver is ready to get in the fight!

We hope that you and all your loved ones are safe and well and look forward to sharing more good news about Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika in the very near future!

All the best,

Matt Wilson

Chief Creative Officer

Privateer Press

almost 5 years ago – Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 12:50:35 AM

Thanks to the support of 2,330 incredible backers, we will soon usher in the age of Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika!

Thank you, backers! You have made this a fantastic Kickstarter campaign from the moment it launched to the very last minute. Your support has been motivating and your excellent feedback will help us polish the game over the next few weeks before we send the rules to print. We are thrilled at the funding this campaign has achieved and delighted that we managed to unlock so many stretch goals to bring even greater value to your rewards. Warcaster is a project that we have looked forward to creating for many years and we couldn't be more excited to get it into your hands and onto tabletops around the world. And as a final token of our appreciation, we're going to go ahead and unlock the $500k faction stretch goal for the variant warjack head/cortexes which will be included in your faction rewards as well as with the variant weapon B packs and the variant warjack B models.

So what's next?

Over the next two weeks, Kickstarter will process pledge payments. Meanwhile, we will finalize the Backerkit pledge manager, and once Kickstarter deposits the funds into our account, we will send out an email invitation to complete your survey in the pledge manager. The pledge manager will run until around the end of April, at which time all pledges will need to be locked so that we can begin sorting out the shipments.  Once the rulebooks, cards and packaging have printed and our dice order arrives from overseas, the packing will begin. Freight orders to our international fulfillment partners will depart first and then our domestic US orders will start shipping. We will ship all rewards over four waves, each about a month apart and we will keep you posted every step of the way so that you know what stage we're in. And we'll even be sharing new developments as we go so you have a reason to open the updates!

In the pledge manager, you'll be making your faction selections, Add-On selections, and if you are shipping internationally, this is where you'll add your shipping fees. We are building the pledge manager to be as flexible as possible so that you can tailor your pledge, and you can of course always increase your pledge to a higher level if you so choose. If you have any difficulty with the pledge manager or don't see an option that you were expecting, contact us through the Kickstarter messenger — we are always happy to help.

Please make sure you watch for our announcements sent out through Kickstarter so that you don't miss any important information regarding your rewards. Please also make sure that you have set your spam filters to receive email from and as communications will come from both sources throughout the fulfillment process.

By July, we'll all be playing Warcaster together! But then what? 

As we said when we launched, this is only the beginning! We have a lot of space to explore among the Thousand Worlds — its secrets, its dangers, and much, much more. We have plans for small and large vehicles, terrain, colossal-sized warjacks and many things that are not human. We also have plans for a campaign set and a setting book that details out the Hyperanion and all the factions fighting over it. Like we do, we'll take our time as we peel back the layers one by one and explore every nook and cranny of the Cyriss galaxy. We have a long journey ahead with Warcaster, and we are thrilled you have taken the plunge through the void gate with us.

We'll be back in a few months with the next block of releases so we can keep building on everything the game has to offer for our growing Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika community. Until then, hunker down, be safe and well, and watch for our next exciting update!

On behalf of everyone at Privateer Press, thank you for your support. We are ever grateful.

Matt Wilson

Chief Creative Officer

Privateer Press

almost 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 11:48:53 PM

Greetings Warcasters!

Join Privateer Press game designers, Will Hungerford and William "Oz" Schoonover, on today at 10 am PST as they play out a skirmish between the Marcher Worlds and the Aeternus Continuum!

More updates to come!

Matt Wilson

Chief Creative Officer

Privateer Press

almost 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 11:30:53 PM

Greeting Warcasters!

In the final hours of this campaign we've seen an exciting surge of support and have succeeded in unlocking yet another stretch goal — a digital book featuring a model gallery for the miniatures of Warcaster: Neo-Mechnika as well as paint guides for the Privateer studio paint schemes. We've set this for an October delivery so that we can get as many of the fantastic models into the gallery as possible.

One more update to go if you're still up at midnight! 

Thank you!

Matt Wilson

Chief Creative Officer

Privateer Press

almost 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 08:49:38 PM

Greetings Warcasters,

Our funding goal has surpassed $425k, which would have unlocked Captain Jax Redblade and Baron Cassius Mooregrave if we hadn't sprung them early! It's great to see that the goal was a legitimate win, but it was better that it wasn't a nail-biter to the end.

We've seen a few requests to be able to add on the Variant B weapons pack — you can! Just Add-On $10 and then in the pledge manager, you can select the addtional weapon pack. We don't have all the images for the graphic in time to get it on the page before the timer runs out today, but the weapons can be Added-On and because you have made this Kickstarter such an amazing experience we'll be dropping a couple variant cortex/head options in there as well, even though that $500k mark is still a ways off.

We've also seen some requests for a list of what weapon options are available for each of the warjacks and which weapons are usable by both the light and heavy chassis. So, below is a long list of warjacks and their corresponding weapon options from the weapons available in the releases featured in this Kickstarter. We will do more weapons in the future for even more customization potential.


Weapon options:

  • Assault Rifle & Bayonet (Arm)
  • Force Hammer (Arm)
  • Fusion Glaive (Arm)
  • Grenade Launcher (Arm)
  • Repulsor Shield (Arm)
  • Sun Piercer (Arm)
  • Harbinger Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Immolator Shoulder)
  • Maelstrom (Shoulder)
  • Null Cannon (Shoulder)


Weapon options:

  • Assault Shield (Arm)
  • Heavy Fusion Glaive (Arm)
  • Seeker (Arm)
  • Harbinger Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Null Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Starburst Missiles (Shoulder)


Weapon options:

  • Force Rod (Arm)
  • Reaper (Arm)
  • Stinger Cannon (Arm)
  • Void Spitter (Arm)
  • Cloaking Device (Shoulder)
  • Entrophier (Shoulder)
  • Hex Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Hollowphage Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Nailer (Shoulder)
  • Rocket Pod (Shoulder)


Weapon options:

  • Displacer (Arm)
  • Fusion Scythe (Arm)
  • Void Splitter (Arm)
  • Hollowphage Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Rocket Pod (Shoulder)
  • Starfall Cannon (Shoulder)

Dusk Wolf

Weapon options:

  • Battle Rifle (Arm)
  • Flamethrower (Arm)
  • Impaler (Arm)
  • Particle Accelerator (Arm)
  • Ripper (Arm)
  • Slug Gun (Arm)
  • Blazer (Shoulder)
  • Rail Gun (Shoulder)
  • Talon Rocket Pod (Shoulder)
  • Wildflower (Shoulder)

Strike Raptor

Weapon options:

  • Battle Rifle (Arm)
  • Flamethrower (Arm)
  • Fusion Drill (Arm)
  • Particle Cannon (Shoulder)
  • Rail Gun (Shoulder)
  • Talon Rocket Pod (Shoulder)


Matt Wilson

Chief Creative Officer

Privateer Press